Interested in owning a Replica Designer Handbag without the High Retail price? RM700 or RM600 too expensive for your budget? We are selling Top Class Designer Handbag up to 40% less than the Market price. All our Handbags/Wallet are 99.9% replica made from Top Quality Materials imported from Overseas. Dior, Coach, Balenciaga, Burberry, Cartier, Chloe, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Hermes, Jimmy Choo, Juicy Couture, Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu, Mulberry, Versace, Yves Saint Laurent & etc.
In order for you to buy the special price Replica Designer Handbag, you must become The Designer Handbags Club member. All the handbags are exclusively for Members only. Membership is just a low price ofRM24.00 renewable each year. (FREE Membership!)
In order for you to buy the special price Replica Designer Handbag, you must become The Designer Handbags Club member. All the handbags are exclusively for Members only. Membership is just a low price of
For example, you must be a member to purchase my special price Designer Handbag
= Replica Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM Handbag = RM600(Retail Price)
BUT for Members only Pay = RM350(estimate)
The Designer Handbags Club has Special Sale offer like "New Year Sale", "Chinese New Year Sale" and "Clearance Sale" each year for member who has join over 1 year from the date of application. This Special Sale is on top of the Club’s low price, meaning can be further 20-30% discount on top of the Normal Member’s Special price. Don’t you think this is the BEST DEAL?? All my Handbags are 7 STAR******* Mirror Image Replica (Guarantee!) You can alway check other seller's selling price for Top Quality ***(7 Star)*** Replica Designer Handbag. Surely you will not think twice to become a member of my Club.
Shipping of Handbag to Members is payable by the Member themselves (by Poslaju). All my handbags are imported from Overseas and have a waiting time period (Pre-Order). All these handbags are imported exclusively & only for The Designer Handbags Club Members. Non-member is not allowed to buy the Handbags. Membership application must be attached with a photocopy of your I/C and shipping address.
After you apply for The Designer Handbags Club Membership, only then I can give you the Members Handbag price list. Buy any & unlimited numbers of handbag you desire throughout the year until your next membership renewal year. Catalogs are email to you whenever there are new designs & models. You are encouraged to renew your membership in order to benefit the next calendar year "Special Sale". You are most welcome to introduce your friends & family into this Club. Each person must apply for membership with a photocopy of his/her I/C for members tracking purpose & filing.
All photocopy & membership application can be sent by pos/mail/email to my address below. If you are interested to become a member please email me to get my Maybank Account details and payment instructions. Please include your name, shipping address, photocopy I/C when sending your application.
Have a Nice Day & Happy Shopping!
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